viernes, 13 de junio de 2014

Carmen's retirement !!

As you already heard from your children Carmen is going to retire this year, so we are enjoying with her the last days.

We surprised her last Tuesday with some dances, songs, poems and a bouquet of roses, but you know that what she liked the most was every little thing you wrote to her saying all those nice things. She will keep it with her forever and will remember you!

Me, as her colleague...I only say thank you for keeping the secret so good (children and parents) and to Carmen, just thank you for this year! It was a pleasure!

Como ya sabéis por vuestros hijos, Carmen se jubila este año; así que estamos disfrutando con ellos los últimos días en el cole.

 El pasado martes la sorprendimos con bailes, canciones, poemas y un ramo de rosas, pero ya sabéis que lo que más le gustó fue todas las cosas bonitas que escribisteis en las hojitas pequeñas. ¡Lo guardará para siempre y os recordará!

Yo, como compañera. Solo puedo decir gracias por guardar el secreto tan bien (niños y padres) y a Carmen, únicamente, gracias por este año. ¡Ha sido un placer!


sábado, 7 de junio de 2014


Aquí os dejamos tres videos que nos han mandado desde la fundación donde se muestra lo que hicieron en el Parlamento Europeo de Madrid el pasado 5 de mayo.

Encuentro intercentros MUS-E

Enrique Barón responde a los niños y niñas MUS-E

Himno de la alegría

lunes, 2 de junio de 2014

Visita a la Asamblea de Madrid y último día de MUSE

Aquí os dejo las fotos que nos hicieron en la Asamblea de Madrid y el último día de MUSE la semana pasada.

Os animo a todos en este último empujón del curso, ya no os queda nada y lo estáis haciendo muuuuy bien!! =)

Keep going! You are doing well!!

sábado, 5 de abril de 2014

What a busy week!

Wow we had loads of activities this week!!!

Here are two collages with some pictures of the play we enjoyed in English and the Archaeological Museum! We had great fun!

By the we are learning history now, I recommend that you see this film which I'm sure you will like!
"Mr. Peabody and Sherman". And this is the website with some games:

And now we start the holidays countdown! So...from Monday, just 4 days! In case we don't write any more until the 3rd term...
Happy Easter!

martes, 25 de marzo de 2014

Pen pal friends!!

Hi everyone!!We have some news to tell you..

From this week we have pen pal friend to write to. They are from England, UK. and  they are delighted to have pen pal friends in Spain.

Here you have the school's website of our pen pals if  you want to have a look!

lunes, 17 de marzo de 2014

March 17 - Paddy's day!!

Happy St. Patricks's day !!!

Today we've celebrated this Irish holiday which, at the same time, is also very spread over the world because of the Irish inmigration over the centuries, as we have seen these days in 
We have played a scavenger hunt in groups, we have seen the movie, we have danced and definitely...we had fun!!

Hope you enjoyed it!

domingo, 16 de febrero de 2014


We had some problems with this website in class last week and we couldn't see some of the activities, so here you can click on the link and try to keep playing games about Nelson Mandela!

Hope you enjoy them!

miércoles, 5 de febrero de 2014

Martin Luther King, Jr.

In Citizenship, we have been working on Martin Luther King, Jr.

Let's remember him!!

"Los días de Castrosil" de Sagrario Pinto e ilustraciones de Kike de la Rubia

Nos ha visitado Sagrario Pinto, nos ha regalado unos marcapáginas y nos ha dejado este enlace para que disfrutemos de la catedral de Santiago de Compostela virtual.
Los días de Castrosil

Aquí os dejamos el enlace. ¡Disfrutad del viaje a Galicia!

martes, 4 de febrero de 2014

Our favourite objects

"This is a bracelet..." "This is a teddy bear..." "It's's big..." I like it because it's very soft." "I like it because it's my favourite character in Star Wars..."

The last two weeks we have been talking about our favourite objects, why we like them, when and how we got them...
Mine is a necklace with the shape of a witch, what about you?
Here are some pictures!!

Without a doubt, Lego was the most "liked" !!!

Thank you! =)

sábado, 18 de enero de 2014

Geography of Spain

¡Hola a todos! Hello everyone!

As you know, my name is Inés and I'm going to be the new teacher of the 5th B class and the English, Science and Citinzenship teacher of the 5th D class. I would like to continue with this blog they started with Ana and where you all can follow what we do in class. Besides, activities related to what we are seeing in class will be able for you to continue working on it. Hope you enjoy it!

Como ya saben, mi nombre es Inés y voy a ser la nueva tutora de 5ºB, y la "teacher" de 5ºD. Me gustaría continuar con este blog que empezaron con Ana y en el que podrán seguir lo que hacemos en clase. Además, pondremos actividades relacionadas con lo que estemos estudiando. ¡Espero que lo disfruten!

Here you have two links where you can practice the geography of Spain.


jueves, 21 de noviembre de 2013


Here is the song that we are going to learn for the CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL.
Practice and enjoy¡

martes, 19 de noviembre de 2013

Our Trip to the Caixa Forum

Yesterday morning everyone in our class went to Caixa Forum to see an exhibition about George Méliés.  We travelled by bus.  First we met a teacher and she talked about special effects.  Next, we saw drawings of Méliés and "the magic lantern."  Then, we watched some of Méliés movies.  Finally, we made our own video, using special effects.  I learnt about the life of George Méliés, and how I can make special effects in videos.  I had a very good time!

By: Marcela, 5 B

First we saw some pictures of George Méliés.  Next we saw "the magic lantern."  Then we saw some films, the most famous was "Voyage to the Moon," and we also saw the first cinematographic machine.  Finally, we made a video of magic.  I went with my class, my friends, and my teachers.  I learnt about the life of George Méliés, and how he invented the cinema and films.  I had a good time in the Caixa Forum!

By: Marta, 5 D

This Morning I went to the Caixa Forum to see an exhibition about Georg Méliés.  I travelled by bus.  At the Caixa Forum, first we saw many of George Méliés´ pictures, and the automats.  Finally, we made a film with special effects.  I went with my class, my friends and my teachers.  I learnty about the cinema, special effects, and George Méliés.  I enjoyed it very much.

By: Jorge, 5 D

lunes, 18 de noviembre de 2013


Esta mañana hemos estado en la Exposición de Caixa forum y realizado el siguiente trabajo de efectos especiales.

Pincha aquí:

y descarga el archivo


jueves, 24 de octubre de 2013


Hello!  My name is Nick and I am the language assistant working with 5th ESO at the Miguel de Unamuno school this year! I am from Minnesota in the US, a land of snowy winters, many lakes, and Ricky Rubio. This is my second year as a language assistant in Spain-- I was in Cantabria last year.  I am excited to be working with Ana and Begoña this year, and have been enjoying getting to know all of the students.  It seems like such a smart and fun group of kids.  Below are some photos from my first month at the school.  (Sorry the quality isn´t good, I took them with my cell phone!)  

Who´s Who?

What's your identity?

The Solar System!

lunes, 16 de septiembre de 2013


Welcome to the new academic year, and welcome to the new blog of 5th year students.
This is a blog for everybody. We hope you would like it.
Your 5th year teachers.

jueves, 21 de marzo de 2013

KET Speaking exam

To the students taking the KET exam, here are some important things for you to know about the speaking exam!

Part 1: 5-6 mins

The examiner asks you questions. You answer them. The questions are about you, your family, your job or studies and where you live. You will be asked to spell a word – usually your name ( PLEASE make sure you know the English alphabet!!). 

Some examples:
• What’s your name?
• Where do you live?
• Why are you learning English?
• What do you usually do at the weekend?
• What sports do you like?
• Tell me about your family

When the examiner asks you a question that starts with Tell me about, as I always tell you, try to think of 3 things that you can say, e.g.:
• I have one brother and two sisters.
• My mother is a doctor and my father is a teacher.
• We live in a house in the city.

Part 2: 3-4 mins

The examiner gives you a sheet, usually with a picture and some information. You ask and answer questions with the other candidate. These questions are not personal; they are about the information on the sheet. You take turns, Student A asks the questions. Student B answers the questions. There is a new sheet of paper. Student B asks the questions. Student A answers. To help you making the questions, there are question words on the sheet.

You will need to know how to use the following question words:
What, When, Where, Who, Why, How.

It is VERY important that you know how to form questions!! In the last few weeks, many of you don´t know how to make questions, and this makes me very worried!Please practice making questions on the holidays. It is a good chance for you to study as much as you can :)

PET Speaking exam tips

To all students taking the PET, here is a blog that is full of helpful tips for your speaking exam! I really want you all to read this page and practice over the Easter holidays. It is very important that you try and use this time to do some study. 

PET Speaking exam tips

The most important points I can tell the PET students are:

  • Do NOT say I´m agree with you or I am agree with you. This is wrong. The correct way to say it is I agree with you.
  • When describing pictures, try and describe as much as you can. Every bit of information helps. Describe what you phisically see, or what you think might be happening in the picture. Just make sure you say why.
  • In parts 2-4 of the speaking exam, talk to your partner. In the exam you need to talk to them and not to the examiner. In our practice sessions, many of you still speak to me and not to your partner. It is important that you speak to each other.
  • Make sure that you talk in sentences. 
  • Both you and your partner need to speak equally. Sometimes some of you do more speaking than the other. Let your partner speak and give their opinions too.

PET and KET Vocabulary Worksheets

Hi everyone!

Here are some vocabulary worksheets that you can do over the Easter holidays to help you prepare for the written exam. Please use them. Even though the holidays are a great time to relax, they are also a good time for you to do some study for your PET and KET exams. Just click on the links and you can download the vocabulary sheets from the website.

Thanks! :)



lunes, 4 de marzo de 2013




Here is a video to remember COMPARATIVES AND SUPERLATIVES.

lunes, 25 de febrero de 2013

PET and KET Exams

Queridas familias,
Dado que algunos de ustedes me han pedido material extra para reforzar los exámenes de Cambridge (KET y PET) les recomiendo varias páginas webs,  a parte por supuesto, del trabajo que se hará en clase durante todo el curso. 
Todos los alumnos, tanto si se presentan a KET o PET, deben repasar:
  • 1. la escucha de números de teléfonos
Practicar ejercicios para el examen PET (B1):
Los siguientes videos son ejemplos del examen oral (SPEAKING):

jueves, 21 de febrero de 2013

jueves, 7 de febrero de 2013


Hi everyone! Here are some links for our new unit on science that is all about energy! Have a look at these pages, which have lots of information, facts and games.

EIA Energy Kids

Kids energy page

viernes, 1 de febrero de 2013

MUS-E Light Painting

I leave here your jobs, enjoy it and well done ¡¡¡
