sábado, 18 de enero de 2014

Geography of Spain

¡Hola a todos! Hello everyone!

As you know, my name is Inés and I'm going to be the new teacher of the 5th B class and the English, Science and Citinzenship teacher of the 5th D class. I would like to continue with this blog they started with Ana and where you all can follow what we do in class. Besides, activities related to what we are seeing in class will be able for you to continue working on it. Hope you enjoy it!

Como ya saben, mi nombre es Inés y voy a ser la nueva tutora de 5ºB, y la "teacher" de 5ºD. Me gustaría continuar con este blog que empezaron con Ana y en el que podrán seguir lo que hacemos en clase. Además, pondremos actividades relacionadas con lo que estemos estudiando. ¡Espero que lo disfruten!

Here you have two links where you can practice the geography of Spain.

