miércoles, 29 de febrero de 2012



Hello everybody!
I haven´t forget about you because you are unforgetable and I had the best time with all of you. I haven´t been able to go back to the school because I have been very busy, but I will go as soon as I can, I promised you! so I will see you very soon.
I would like to share with you some pictures from "Somos pintores y somos los mejores"
Take care and best regards,

domingo, 26 de febrero de 2012


Compruebo que el blog se va haciendo "grande". Me apetece participar y daros las gracias por los comentarios que habéis puesto en la foto que tengo con Noa.
Como todo está en inglés, haré mi aportación en español pero con una escritora inglesa maravillosa. Ya la leeréis más adelante. Se llama VirginiaWoolf.


miércoles, 22 de febrero de 2012

martes, 21 de febrero de 2012

The starfish and the oyster

Here is another dialogue about animals, this time from Leire from 5A.

Starfish:  Hello, who are you?
Oyster:  Hello, I am an oyster.  My name is Oyscar.
Starfish:  Hello.  I am Estrella.  I am an echinoderm.  What type of invertebrate are you?  You are very ugly!
Oyster: Oh, don´t tell me that... You are very pretty, Estrella.  I am a mollusk, what about you?
Starfish:  I am an echinoderm.  My colour is very beautiful; I am orange.  Your colour is grey... I don´t like you.
Oyster:  You don´t know who I am!  My colour and shape are ugly, yes... But, if I open my valves... Look!
Starfish:  Oh, what´s that?  It´s fabolous, it´s brilliant!
Oyster:  It´s a pearl.
Starfish:  Oh, oyster... forgive me!  I´ll never call you ugly again!  You are beautiful, I love you!
Oyster: I love you too, Estrella!

lunes, 20 de febrero de 2012


This will help you to organize your ideas about the classification of vertebrates

jueves, 16 de febrero de 2012


We are going to start Unit 8: Vertebrates.
These videos are a good start...

miércoles, 15 de febrero de 2012

Antonio y su nieta.

Para que veais que Noa sigue creciendo... ya me utiliza de caballito.
Saludos para tod@s.

Invertebrate stories

Here are some examples of some invertebrate stories for you, enjoy!

Octopus:  Hello, how are you?
Scorpion:  Fine, thank you.
Octopus:  Do you like to play Octoball?
Scorpion:  Yes, it´s a very good game, but it´s not better than Basketcorpious.
Octopus:  No!
Scorpion: Yes!
Octopus:  No!
Scorpion:  Yes!
Octopus: NO!
Scorpion: YES!
Octopus:  Can we play Giantball with the whales?
Scorpion:  No, I think that it´s better to do a race.
Octopus:  Yes, OK.
Scorpion:  Lobster, whenever you want.  OK, 1, 2 ,3!
Octopus:  I win!
Scorpion:  No, you cheated because you have 8 tentacles!
Octopus:  No, it´s not true!
Scorpion:  Well, we´ll play the wii and we will settle this!
Octopus: OK, I accept your fight!
-  Manuel, 5D

Tarantula Joe:  Hello!  I´m Tarantula Joe.  I´m an arachnid.  I have 8 legs.  I´m one of the biggest spiders in the world.  I´m an arthropod.  I can scare you!

Scorpion Martin:  Hello!  I´m Scorpion Martin.  Tarantula Joe is my friend.  I have pincers and a stinger.  I´m poisonous.  I´m very small but I can kill you in 10 minutes.  I´m a carnivore.

John Lennon the Beetle:  Hello!  I´m John Lennon the Beetle.  I live underground.  My species is 25% of all the animals on the planet.  I´m from Liverpool.  I have friends that are in "The Beatles".  I´m famous.  Bye bye!
- Javier, 5D

Butterfly:  Hi, can I ask you a question?
Bee:  Yes, of course.
Butterfly:  Are you a vertebrate or an invertebrate?
Bee:  Ummm... I think I´m an invertebrate.
Butterfly:  What type of invertebrate are you?
Bee: Ummm... I´m an insect with six legs.
Butterfly:  Wow, I´m also an insect!
Bee:  Where do you live?
Butterfly:  I like in those trees.  And you?
Bee:  I live in that bee hive.
Butterfly:  Do you want to be my friend?
Bee:  Yes of course.
Butterfly:  Do you want to play with me?
Bee:  OK!
-  Clara, 5C

More Valentines stories! ♥ ♥ ♥

Here is another Valentines story, this time from David Plaza!

One day, Ring Starr went to a restaurant and he saw a beautiful woman.  She told him that she was a singer and he asked her if she wanted to sing with him.
The girl didn´t want to but Ringo thought that she was wrong.  She told him that she had a good job, but she would think about his offer.  Three weeks later she phoned him and told him that she accepted his offer.
Finally,  Ringo Starr asked the woman if she wanted to be his girlfriend.  She told him that she didn´t want to be with him.  Ringo Starr felt very sad.

lunes, 13 de febrero de 2012

Valentines Day stories! ♥ ♥ ♥

Here is nice story written by Pablo Caraballo for Valentines Days:

The Retiro is the name of one of the most important parks in Madrid.  This is an old park with lots of trees and lakes.  In one of these lakes is where the story takes place.
The name of the lake is "La Laguna"; it is in front of the Cristal Palace.  There´s a very large water jet in the middle of the lake.  Also there are some trees, fishes, swans and ducks.  OPne day when I was there with my dad, he told that following story that he had heard on TV:
A long time ago in this lake, there lives two swans, one male and one female.  They in love.  The biologist said that the couple of swans were very loyal to eachother so that they can be together for their whole lives.  The couple of swans in this story lived together for many years in this nice lake.  They swam together between the trees all the time. 
One day, the female swan became ill; the male swan stayed with her all the time but one day she died.  Then the male swan was very sad, and he stayed in the centre of the lake without eating or drinking until he also died.

Some interesting stories

Here is an example of some of the best stories that 5A and 5B wrote for Olga; there will be more to follow!

Dan lives in the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France. He usually likes to wear a tracksuit with a cap. He was in a group of people that liked to do extreme things, like jumping from house to house, but now they have another job; they have to dismantle a bomb to save the city. They have a special ability; they can run at 125km per hour and they manage to dismantle the bombs in time and put the terrorists in prison. Finally, the mayor gives them the city key and they rule Paris. – Jacobo, 5A

Hi guys, I’m going to talk about a friend, he’s called John. John is 10 years old. He’s from the USA, but he was born in New Zealand. He lives in Spain now. I don’t see him much anymore because I live in France. During the summer, we meet in the mountains. Ah, I remember an adventure I had with him! We went to see a football match, but the guard said to us that we couldn’t go in because our clothes were silly. John wore a t-checked shirt, a belt, trousers and trainers. I was wearing a cap, a plain blue t-shirt, trousers and trainers. He said that if we wanted to go, we had to wear a team tracksuit. We were confused. We were wearing those clothes because we had to go to a party afterwards, and we needed to wear smart clothes, not tracksuits. We went to the shop and we saw tracksuits. There were Atletico Madrid and Real Madrid ones. John wore the Atletico Madrid tracksuit and I wore the Real Madrid one. We went to the stadium but we heard the guard say that the match was finished! We had a very good time, but we didn’t see the match. The next time we went to the stadium, the guard invited us. My best adventure! - Damaso, 5B.

jueves, 9 de febrero de 2012


We did this interesting classification of our friends "The invertebrates".
We could play with them and learning was so much fun!
Well done everybody!


More pictures

miércoles, 8 de febrero de 2012


This clasification will help you out to review Unit 7: Invertebrates.

Use Unit 7 sheet and your book to add some categories not included in this video and also to organize them as we have explained them to you in class.

Mollusks Song

To review the Mollusks with some music...


We will sing this song to all the Cephalopods.


That was an excellent performance!!!

The North Pacific Octopus

We introduce you the biggest octopus in the world!!!


You can watch some curiosities about these amazing animals in the following videos...

martes, 7 de febrero de 2012



lunes, 6 de febrero de 2012


If we look around we can see beauty...


The thinking cap...

During the Peace Week and with the arrival of our brand new "Guide for working together", we have developed this magic cap that helps us out to think about the reasons of our rules... it really works out!!!

Some examples to see how the thinking cap works

The "Improving Tree"

After using the thinking cap, we have placed our proposals to get better in the Improving Tree... We do believe that we can reach it!!!


To end up the Peace Week at the School we celebrated the Unamuno´s Fashion Show. All the 5th Grade Students made some fashionable T-Shirts and the 3th Grade Students voted after the show... who will be the winner?

More pictures of our fashion show

miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2012


Más saludos.


Saludos para todo 5º Antonio profe.