lunes, 17 de diciembre de 2012

Fotos en el mercadillo del patio.


Fotos de la fiesta de 6º

HOLA, soy Antonio, el profe de 4º A y antiguo tutor de algun@s de vosot@s.
Os pongo alguna foto del viérnes pasado.

Bone Dance

Here is a video of some of the students from 6B doing the bone dance when we were learning about all the different names of the bones! Hope that you enjoy it!


domingo, 16 de diciembre de 2012



The Festival was really good. You made a great efffort!
People were very happy, they enjoyed  your songs and I think you get a lot of money in the market.
Thanks to everybody.

martes, 11 de diciembre de 2012

viernes, 7 de diciembre de 2012



Las familias de 6º de Primaria queremos invitar a tod@s al Festival de Navidad del próximo viernes 14 de diciembre, a partir de las 16h.
En él podréis disfrutar de un Concierto de villancicos cantados por l@s niñ@s de este curso y tendréis la oportunidad de merendar y adquirir vuestros regalos navideños en el fantástico Mercadillo de artículos manufacturados.
Os esperamos a tod@s para disfrutar de esta fantástica tarde.

Las familias de 6º de Primaria

miércoles, 5 de diciembre de 2012

What time is it?

Learn how to say the time by playing this little game! :)

Time Game 

The Nervous System and The Brain

Here are some activities to help you learn for our next topic!

Have a great long weekend everyone!

 All about the Brain

Find the Hidden Words: Activity 

The Nervous System 

The Nervous System Quiz 

The Brain: Activity 

martes, 4 de diciembre de 2012

Do you hear what I hear?

Here is the link to the song `Do you hear what I hear´ so that you can all sing-along at home! :)


Helpful links for exam revision!

Here are the links to the kids health pages for: puberty, the male reproductive system, the female reproductive system and the menstrual cycle.

Use them to help you study for your exam!

Happy studying! :)

The Female Reproductive System and The Menstrual Cycle


Here is the BBC interactive activity that we used in class. Use it to revise for the exam :)

BBC Puberty